I sure wish I knew what you did to get your horses so healthy. Would you consider giving a lecture on the care and feeding of horses. Nobody in the kingdom has such fine looking animals. You should enter your horses in a show. They would be sure to win. I certainly like the looks of your horses, you must be feeding them well. My goodness, what very fine looking horses you are raising. Those horses of yours look like they could fight their way out of a cage of hungry tigers. What beautiful horses you've got. What kind of vitamins are you putting in your horse's feed. They sure are healthy looking. You've sure got great looking horses. Your horses are in gorgeous shape. What do you do to get your horses looking so good. You should be able to fetch a pretty sum for those horses of yours. Gee your horses are fast! They look good too. Say I'll bet some of those horses are prize winners. Wow, what good looking horses you've got there.